Ultimate Guide to Independent Senior Living - NILP
Senior Independent living is where individuals with disabilities are the best determinants of their own needs and service choices, according to the Independent Living ideology.
They get empowered to make changes in their life and become more self-sufficient and self-reliant through peer counseling and role modeling with other people with disabilities. And NILP allows such Independent living services.

NILP offers an Independent Living Center where they provide various Independent Living Services. They include services which are utilized to provide the greatest assistance. The Independent living program include Personal care assistance program, community support service, Northeast Recovery Learning Community, Older Adult Peer Services, Youth Services Program, Nursing Home Transition Services, Merrimack Valley Community Partner / Long-Term Services & Supports, Aging and Disability Resource Consortium / Options Counseling, Independent Living Vocational Rehabilitation.
The Independent Living program makes the base of the Independent Living center, NILP. The various Independent Living Services include -
Personal Care Assistance Program (PCA)-
PCA services allow clients to remain in their homes with personal care assistance rather than being admitted to hospitals or nursing homes. Customers are in charge of this independent Living Programme. The individual receiving services administers their program on their own or with the help of a surrogate of their choosing.
Community Support Services (CS)-
People with disabilities can use Community Support Services to help them navigate the complicated system of state, federal, and community services. Independent Living Center advises and teaches clients throughout the process, allowing them to take control of their life.
The Northeast Recovery Learning Community (NERLC)-
The Northeast Recovery Learning Community (NERLC) creates a welcoming, safe, empathetic, and judgment-free environment where people from all walks of life may come together to recover and thrive. We’re a group of people who have overcome mental health issues, addiction, and/or terrible life situations. In a number of methods, the NERLC assists people on their journeys to achieve and maintain wellbeing.
Older Adult Peer Services (OAPS)-
APS enriches the lives of senior citizens (55+) who have been affected by trauma, mental health issues, or drug addiction by providing companionship and communal events that encourage healthy social interaction and personal growth. It’s a programme run by our Northeast Recovery Learning Community (NERLC), and it’s funded by Medicaid’s 1115 Frail Elder Waiver (FEW).
Youth Services Program-
Our Youth Services Program assists younger individuals in developing fundamental employment ready skills, social and communication skills, and self-esteem and confidence. Through peer mentorship and assistance, we help adolescents attain their greatest potential.
Nursing Home Transition Services-
Nursing Home Move is a service that helps people with disabilities transition from nursing homes to the community while providing the essential assistance to live independently or prevent readmission to a nursing home.
Merrimack Valley Community Partner / Long-Term Services & Supports-
AgeSpan and the Northeast Independent Living Program have teamed up to form the Merrimack Valley Community Partner (MVCP) (NILP).
The MVCP has agreed to work as a Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Community Partner with MassHealth. The MVCP organizations have a collective expertise of over 40 years in care planning and coordination, as well as a deep understanding of community services and benefits. We provide customers options and try to help them live productively and independently in their communities.
To deliver these Independent Living services, the MVCP has contracted with nine Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and two Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) throughout the greater Haverhill, Lawrence, and Lowell areas.
Once you’ve enrolled in the Independent Living program, you’ll be given a Treatment Coordinator/Navigator who will work with you, your Accountable Care Organization (ACO), Managed Care Organization (MCO), and Primary Care Physician (PCP) to develop a care plan that will help you achieve your goals.
The CP Navigator will assist you in connecting with services and community resources to support your care plan, as well as providing Living Independent service in coordination with other members of your care team. Other services you get will not be affected if you participate in an LTSS CP programme.
Aging and Disability Resource Consortium / Options Counseling
The Merrimack Valley Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC) is a joint effort of NILP and AgeSpan that provides a “no wrong door” entrance point to community-based long-term services for individuals with disabilities and elderly. Between the agencies, centralized information and referral, intake, and service coordination are streamlined.
Options Counseling is a specialist service provided by the ADRC. Options Counseling is an interactive, short-term decision-support process that entails giving clients information about the complete range of public and private community resources, services, and settings.
Independent Living Vocational Rehabilitation
The Independent Living Vocational Rehabilitation (ILVR) programme staff collaborates closely with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRCLowell )’s and Lawrence district offices to help persons with disabilities achieve their independent living objectives.
Consumers become more confident, self-sufficient, have more stability in their lives, and are better positioned to achieve their goals of employment and independence by receiving peer counseling and skills training in areas such as financial management, benefits counseling, applying for transportation services, and assistance with housing applications.
With these Independent living programs, NILP as a Independent Living center could help each other overcome the negativity and belief that if a person requires assistance to live in the community, such assistance could be supplied.
Source: https://medium.com/@northeastilp2022/ultimate-guide-to-independent-senior-living-nilp-29584e23e0eb
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