The Renaissance Golf Club - The Ultimate Golf Experience for the 21st Century


NILP, Northeast Independent Living Program, Inc allows people to join their disability community, helping the disabled ones through various resources. THEY, “CONNECT PEOPLE TO RESOURCES.” The recent way of doing so is organizing the recent and the ultimate golf tournament. THE GOLF TOURNAMENT MASSACHUSETTS, will be held on June 13th, 2022, Monday. It will be held at the Renaissance Golf Club in Haverhill, MA! It would include players performing to the best of their abilities, from various cities.

While the game is being played at the Renaissance Golf Club in Haverhill, MA, with the fact that the majority of the course is featured in a Golf Tournaments Massachusetts is among the top 50 Golf courses in Massachusetts. And, thanks to the generosity of the people, NILP now has access to a ticket to a private course among the top 50 in Golf Tournaments Massachusetts.

The player registration fee is $200. It is counted as a donation to the NILP. The Northeast Independent Living Program. They believe in the fact “Every Donation Counts,” because Every donation made helps NILP consumers become independent. Further more are Sponsorships such as Hole Sponsors- $300, Golf Cart Sponsors- $550, Breakfast Sponsor- $800, Team Photo Sponsor- $850, Auction Sponsor- $1,000, Raffle Sponsor- $1,000, Refreshment Sponsor- $1,500, Putting Greens Sponsor- $1,500, Player Gift Sponsor- $2,500, Title Sponsor- $5,000. All for that benefits the NILP.


According to the Independent Living ideology, people with disabilities are the greatest judges of their own needs and service options. Through peer counseling and role modeling with other people with disabilities, they get the confidence to make changes in their life and become more self-sufficient and self-reliant.

NILP, holds a vision which is well known throughout the state for assisting people in regaining and maintaining their independence and equality in the community through information and referral, advocacy, skills training, peer counseling, and transitions.

They are a group of people who work together to establish an all-inclusive community free of communication, cultural, economic, and architectural barriers for people with disabilities.

The NILP, includes various services for people with disabilities, care and assistance. The services include personal care assistance, nursing home transition services, youth services, northeast recovery learning community, older adult peer support service, merrimack valley community partner/long term services and support, aging and disability resource consortium/options counseling, Independent Living Vocational Program, and community resources.


The NILP, Northeast Independent Living Program, Inc. aims to provide advocacy and services to people with all disabilities who wish to live independently in the community through a consumer-controlled Community Living Center. Every gift makes it possible for NILP members to become self-sufficient.Among the many things that set NILP apart from the competition is that their personnel provide a high degree of peer mentorship and assistance. They believe in the idea of INDEPENDENT LIVING and follow the same. “This program has helped many people like myself to not give up and move forward despite our disability.”- NILP



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